Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a road trip...

Here is a ridiculously long post/photo album of our fun filled vacation to California! We had such a great time together as a little family and I really don't want to forget one tinsy thing about it!
soooo, Jack, Grace, Max, Clay.....

Remember when we drove to California? And remember you guys were sooo good in the car and daddy and I really appreciated it! That was fabulous!
Remember that evening we went down to the beach that was by our "cottage" and we thought it would be too dark and cold but daddy said it would be nice.. and it was? And remember you guys found a bunch of random stuff on the beach (like feathers and broken seashells) and you thought it was the coolest thing ever! That was kinda funny!

Remember we went to Ghiradelli's and bought a bunch of chocolate and shared a gynormous sundae? That was SOOO yummy! (oh, and remember that necklace Gracie's wearing was the only thing she wanted for a souvenier and we bought it from a cute little chinese woman who ADORED Grace?)

Remember at the pier watching the sea lions and daddy kept "barking" at them (really loud) and they finally started barking back? That was soo funny (and kinda embarrassing LOL)!

Remember when we went to the Aquarium and Jack wanted to wear his shark sweater we bought for him the day before? and remember how excited jack was to touch a bunch of sea creatures and he was teaching people around him all about the starfish and crabs and sharks? That was awesome! I was so proud of my little man.

Remember how Jack couldn't stop smiling at the aquarium? That was very cute!

Remember when it was raining really hard one day so we went to the children's museum and you guys were happy and doing things for hours on end? That was soooo fun!Remember the grounds outside our charming capitola cottage you played around in? Oh how I loved the tree outside our window that had those red berries on it! I wanted to bring it home with me.

Remember this big tree outside of our cottage that you would always climb? And the fluffy white kitty you would always play with? He was beautiful and loved you so much! That was so great!

Remember how we had enough beds for everyone but you all wanted to sleep in the same bed together? Remember Max kept falling off the bed (when he was sleeping and wouldn't even cry.. it was so crazy) so we had to get a roll-away bed so you could all still be in the same room like you wanted? That made me want to cry because you are such good friends and love each other so much!

Remember the day it was hot enough to go to the beach and swim? That was the best!

Remember Jack and Grace kept holding hands and letting the waves crash into them and they didn't care how hard they hit them because they would hold each other up? That was sweet.

Remember Jack couldn't control his enthusiasm about actually being at the beach? That was hilarious!
Remember Gracie would come over to me and just want to rest for a little bit? That was nice.
Remember how good the sand felt on our bare feet (compared to wearing boots in the snow at home)? That was wonderful!

Remember how we danced on the beach? That was special.

Remember when Max would come lay by me and give me kisses all day long (like he normally does)? that was sooo cute!

Remember how we ate out ALL the time at uber yummy restaurants and it was really nice for mommy since she didn't have to cook but it got kinda old? (and jack kept trying to be funny when i'd get my camera out... nice look jack! lol)

Remember the million other good times like
-going over the golden gate bridge
-going to church and having to park 6 blocks away... and seeing the cute girl who writes this blog but not being able to say hi cause they left early. :(
-hanging out with my friend Melissa... i can't believe i didn't take pictures of us!?!
-how daddy would make us order a couple desserts every night and we would have them bring us 5 forks or spoons and we'd dig in and share!
-how excited I felt coming home safe and sound with my family in tow!

I look forward to MANY more family vacations like this and making MANY more memories!!


Dave Anderson said...

I loved this post! The pictures are awesome! Grace is such a little lady and reminds of someone that I would see in a magazine. I want to have a dozen just like her. Max is just the cutest boy ever, right? And I think Jack will always be my favorite... I will never forget the morning after I was sick in Yellowstone and first thing in the morning he asked if I was feeling better.
Miss you guys!

ermakaluso said...

What a fun trip! I wish I had known you were here- I live less than an hour from the city. Your pictures give me ideas of things I need to take my girls to do again. Fun times!

Melanie said...

Oh my gosh what a fun trip! I love how you told the story with such beautiful pictures! Your kids are so cute!!! I think I need to go to California now! It looked like so much fun!!!

Hubba's Thoughts said...

I'm so glad you got this posted! I love all your pictures and your narration of all of them too! Your kids are so sweet and I think it's great they're such good friends. Madi and Jackson are so far apart in age.... I hope they're good friend like that!! I'm glad you had fun, you guys deserved a fun getaway.. Have a great night.

Jen Bird said...

I loved your post and seeing what you did in California! Looks like you guys had a blast!! You seriously took some dang good pictures girl! They were beautiful! Grace especially looked so grown up! Such a sweet post!

the Lola Letters said...

Your pictures are completely amazing and this was the sweetest post ever!
Jack and Grace holding hands in the waves...
Gracie's beautiful hair and sparkling eyes...
Max the mama's boy...
It was all too too cute.

loved. this.

Shannon & Summer said...

Love the pictures! I love San Fran, I am happy you got to go for such a long, fun trip! Those sunset pics are awesome! And, how great to be right on the beach too!